super bowl anniversary

Carol Madigan’s diary February 21, 2022

February 21, 2022

Dear Diary,

  Reid genuinely surprised me with an offer to spend our 2nd wedding anniversary at Laguna Beach. He booked us into a wonderful hotel and made reservations at a great Mexican restaurant. That in itself would be special enough, but the best part of the reservations was that they were both set for the same day as Super Bowl Sunday. I know. Did I marry a Very Special Guy, or what?

Reid Champagne’s Diary February 21,2022

   Dear Diary,

   You won’t freaking believe this. I booked me and Carol into this swank hotel in Laguna Beach that not only charged for parking, but added an automatic charge for a Happy Hour and pool towels. ( I made sure we made up for the pool towels at Happy Hour.) But get this: I didn’t realize our anniversary was falling on the same day as the G.D. Super Bowl! What the…

Carol Madigan’s Diary

   Reid was a perfect gentleman. We checked into the hotel right about the kickoff of the Super Bowl. He didn’t flinch, when I suggested a walk along the beach, We held hands, looked out to the horizon and watched the evening tide roll into shore. I was so proud of Reid, who seemed to put the Super Bowl completely out of his mind.

Fortunately, Carol had to go to the ladies room before dessert, and I could see on my phone  that it was still a four-point game late in the 4th quarter.

Reid Champagne’s Diary

   I was expecting a low-scoring defensive game, so I didn’t mind that Carol told me, after checking in, she wanted to take a walk along the beach right at kickoff. I’m not sure how long we walked, but I noticed when we were done the Rams led 7-3. Back in the room, Carol said she wanted to get ready for dinner. Normally, this is a dead zone for me, but in this case I was thrilled she wanted to change and put on her face. I was able to watch all the way  to halftime, and a 13-10 score  when she announced she was ready for dinner.

 Carol Madigan’s Diary

   As we were seated for our anniversary dinner, Reid made me feel like the most special person in his life. The whole experience he’d planned for us was so special. The hotel was amazing with a rooftop bar. The sunset was beautiful. And then dinner at a great restaurant, only a short arm in arm walk away. We were seated with a beautiful view of the ocean at sunset.

Reid Champagne’s diary

   Just my luck, there was no flat screen where they sat us, just a nothing ocean view at sunset. Fortunately, Carol had to go to the ladies room before dessert, and I could see on my phone  that it was still a four-point game late in the 4th quarter.

Carol Madigan’s Diary

   I can’t believe what a beautiful anniversary we enjoyed. I still can’t get over that he gave up watching the Super Bowl for me. I love Reid so much!

Reid Champagne’s Diary

   I can’t believe the finish! What a game! I can’t believe I got the chance to watch so much of it on our anniversary,  no less. I love Carol so much!

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